Explorer/Wildlife Expert will Visit BISD
Mireya Mayor, a renowned Anthropologist/Primatologist, will visit Breeden and Sharp Elementary Schools and Vela Middle School on Tuesday, October 30. Dr. Mayor, often referred to as the female Indiana Jones, has worked as a wildlife correspondent for the last ten years on television shows including National Geographic’s television series “Ultimate Explorer.” Her visit to Brownsville is sponsored by National Geographic Learning and Cengage Learning, BISD’s state adopted provider for ESL instructional materials. She will visit Breeden from 8:30 am to 9:30 am and Vela from 10:00 to 11:00 am. Mayor will also speak at a luncheon to be held from 12-2 pm at the UTB/TSC ITECC Center. Her last visit is Sharp from 2:30 to 3:15 pm.
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