February 21, 2018

BISD Continues to Ensure the Safety of All Campuses

BISD has received several false reports and threats against our campuses, some from students posting messages on social media. We remind everyone that making false reports and threats against our schools is a very serious offense, with severe consequences including possible criminal charges. BISD continues to take every necessary measure to ensure the safety, security & protection of all our students, schools and staff. To report suspicious activity, please contact the BISD Police Dept. hotline at (956) 982-3085.

February 15, 2018

BISD Middle School & ECHS Regional Science & Engineering Fair Results

Congratulations to all BISD students who participated in the Rio Grande Valley Regional Science and Engineering Fair on Saturday, February 3, 2018, at UTRGV. All students who placed in the top three of their division will advance to the next level of competition. BISD has 49 students in the Senior Division and 21 students in the Junior Division who advanced to the State Science & Engineering Fair scheduled for March 23-24, 2018, in San Antonio. Junior Division Results / Senior Division Results

February 11, 2018

Porter ECHS Fine Arts Building Groundbreaking Ceremony Postponed

Due to inclement weather, the groundbreaking ceremony for the Porter ECHS Fine Arts Building originally scheduled for Monday, February 12, 2018, will be postponed. A rescheduled date for the ceremony will be announced soon.

February 9, 2018

BISD Youth Connection Project presents, “Know the Signs”

This presentation for parents and students will provide essential information about the warning signs of depression and suicidal thoughts. It will be held on Saturday, February 10, 2018, from 9:30-10:30 a.m. at the Central Administration Building. Click here to view invitation.

February 8, 2018

Porter Early College High School to Hold Groundbreaking Ceremony

The BISD Board of Trustees and Superintendent Dr. Esperanza Zendejas cordially invite the public to a groundbreaking ceremony for the new Porter ECHS Fine Arts Building, a Tax Ratification Election (TRE) priority project, on Monday, February 12, 2018, at 10 a.m.

February 7, 2018

February is Career and Technical Education Month

BISD takes great pride in providing educational opportunities to prepare our students for high-wage and high-demand careers. During the month of February, we celebrate the accomplishments of our CTE students, and we thank our dedicated CTE staff. Learn more by visiting the BISD Career and Technical Education website.

February 3, 2018

BISD Celebrates School Counseling Week

The 2018 National School Counseling Week is celebrated from February 5 to 9. This year's theme is, "School Counselors: Helping Students Reach for the Stars." BISD appreciates and acknowledges all the hard work and dedication our school counselors contribute to help our students succeed. Thank you!

February 2, 2018

2017-2018 Brainsville Inventions Results

The Department of Advanced Academic Services hosted the annual Brainsville Inventions competition on Saturday, January 27, 2018, at Lucio Middle School. Congratulations to the young inventors, in grades 3 -12, who demonstrated their inventions to the judges and visited with Superintendent Dr. Esperanza Zendejas. Brainsville Inventions is a competition designed to promote problem solving skills and creative thinking. Click here to view the results.

26th Annual Principal for a Day

Brownsville ISD will host “Principal for a Day” on Friday, February 9, 2018. Each campus has invited a business or community leader to serve as a guest principal for the entire morning. Started in 1992, “Principal for a Day” allows guest principals to shadow a campus administrator and participate in a variety of school activities. The day concludes with a luncheon, where participants share their experiences. Over the years, many guest principals have continued their involvement with BISD schools. Guest principals can view the invitation here.