January 23, 2013

Brownsville ISD statement regarding settlement in lawsuits by Antonio Juarez and Hector Gonzales

BISD considered and voted to approve settlement in two lawsuits brought by a former BISD Superintendent and Chief Financial Officer concerning their former employment with the District. The Board took this action to avoid costly litigation that had a significant potential for damages and attorney’s fees far in excess of the settlement. It took this action in consultation and with the support of its employment practices liability insurer and the lawyers representing the District. The Board did not want to risk large jury verdicts and judgments, which would have to be paid from District funds; rather, it chose to pay a potentially much smaller amount from District funds. The potentially larger amount of several million dollars would have severely hampered BISD’s abilities to deliver its quality educational services to the students of Brownsville. The settlement monies paid by BISD will have an impact, but not at the disastrous level a jury and court could have awarded. Read the entire media release.